Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mr. Bean

We had a horrible nights sleep last night. All thanks to Mr. Bean.

Tim loves Mr. Bean. I'm not nearly the fan that he is. Tim has been craving Mr. Bean lately and decided to introduce Andrew to him. So they got on You Tube last night and watched clip after stupid clip of Mr. Bean. I had better things to do with my time and left the boys to do their thing. I smiled at each belly laugh that erupted from the computer room.

Then it was time for bed and we did our normal night time routine. As Tim crawled into bed he mentioned that Andrew thought Mr. Bean was really funny at first but then he started to "creep" him out. I was like 'oh great'. I know how Andrew gets when something creeps him out. Sure enough we didn't sleep at all last night because Andrew kept waking up with Mr. Bean nightmares. (No, I have no idea what a Mr. Bean nightmare would consist of). Being the gracious wife that I am, I just laid in bed and let Tim deal with the freaked out 8 year old all night long - it was, after all, his fault. (I know, I'm a terrible woman). Finally, Andy ended up in bed with us, which is always great because he emits so much heat when he sleeps that steam rolls off of him. And the last time he came into bed with us during a night of nightmares I got slapped...HARD. Andrew was slapping a bad guy in his dream and didn't realize that I got the brunt of it in real life. So I've learned when Andrew's mind is going wild in the night you don't really want to be too close to him. Luckily, I didn't get beat up last night but we sure didn't sleep well. Who would have known Mr. Bean could have such an impact.


Suzy said...

Who the heck is Mr Bean?

Liv said...

It was a British comedy show starring Rowan Atkinson.