Monday, March 2, 2009

Random Andy Quotes

The other day I was looking through some of the piles of paper that have accumulated in the office and I came across a small collection of scratch papers with funny Andy quotes on them. You know, when your kid says something cute, and you write it down on whatever you can find so you don't forget. I'm so glad these didn't get thrown out accidentally. Unfortunately not all are dated but they're fun nonetheless. Here are some of them.

04/08/2005, age 4. Tim called from work and we were talking. Andrew picked up the phone in the other room and said "Hi". His daddy asked, "What are you doing?". Andrew answered matter of factly, "I'm talking to you."

08/15/2005, age 4. "Tomorrow I want to be bigger...yeah, I want to be taller."

08/15/2005, age 4. "I want to grow up to be a white kitty cat."

08/19/2005, age 4. "Momma, I'm going to be small today." (first thing he said waking up in bed).

Not dated: We were sitting around the table playing a board game with my parents. Andrew pointed at each of us individually and said first to me, "That's a star", then to Papa Harold, "That's a moon", then to Grandma Sue, "That's a sky", then he pointed to his daddy and said, "That's a toilet paper."

Not dated: Andrew was spending the night with his cousins and his grandma. He popped awake in the morning, seemed really relieved about something, and very jubilantly said, "I'M ALIVE!"

02/25/2007 age 6. "When I grow up like a human, I can work there." (as we drove by his grandma's place of employment.)

08/07/2007, age 6. I was cropping a picture of me and Andrew riding the waverunner on the lake, a dreaded bathing suit picture. I was trying to crop my arm out of the picture because it looked fat. Andrew asked what I was doing and I told him I was trying to get my fat arm out of the picture. He said, "It's not a fat arm, it's just getting old."

08/07/2007, age 6. Editing more pictures. I'm not sure what picture this was in reference to but he said..."mom, you look aweful in that picture."

03/01/2009, age 8. "I wonder what the Chinese are doing right now."

1 comment:

Suzy said...

These are precious Liv! Can you put your blog on disc to back stuff up?