Monday, September 28, 2009

A story for Monday

I'd been noticing a squooshy wet spot in my neighbors lawn adjacent to my garden.

It wouldn't dry up.

Last night I told Tim we should go over to her house and let her know she probably had a leak in her underground sprinkling system.

So we did.

We asked her if we could dig for her and try to find the leak.

She said "please".

So we did.

We found a sprinkler line running directly under the squooshy spot but oddly it was in perfect condition - no leak.

It got dark.

We postponed our investigation.

This morning our neighbor had to go to work.

Tim had the day off so he put on his camouflage clothes and went to Walmart. (Don't ask).

I decided to resume the dig on my own.

I found the leak.

A weed paper stake had worked it's way through the MAIN...I repeat, M-A-I-N...sprinkler line.

And I rediscovered my knack for saying a few choice words when it's appropriate for the situation.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Quote of the Day by Andrew

Andrew: "Mom, what are those things called that old people wear in their ears?"

Me: "Hearing aids?"

Andrew: "Oh yeah, those. I want some for Christmas."

Me: "What?"

Andrew: "When I go to Ben's house, and Kayla (Ben's sister) starts talking it's really annoying and I could just turn the sound off."


Friday, September 4, 2009

Diet Coke and Mentos

We've been wanting to do this for a long time.

Very cool but not quite as cool as this.