Thursday, April 23, 2009


Tim went out fishing this morning. On his way he saw this...

A big 'ol truck and lowboy trailer. No big deal. But then he realized it was hauling something.

Isn't that TOO CUTE!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Crafty Crap cont.

I actually got my crappy camera working. Just needed to be opened up and jiggled around a little. So here's a sampling of a few things so far. I've already got several items up at the store which I didn't get pictures of because the camera was busted at the time. I guess things have been selling pretty well. We'll see how it goes! Welp, I need to go figure out what the heck to make for dinner.

Friday, April 17, 2009


My poor little bloggy woggy has been so neglected since my camera bit the dust. I'm just so uninspired without pictures, even if they're terrible. Actually, I remembered that my video camera takes still pictures but I just haven't bothered with it yet. It's a bummer too. I've been hard at work on my crafty crap and have got a few things in a little store up where my sister lives. No sad. My sisters got a friend who just opened up a store and she wanted some of my things so I thought I'd try it out. I don't think it's a great market up there for this kind of stuff but we'll see. It's looking like things aren't going to sell too well unless I mark everything down ridiculously low. I asked my niece and her friend what they would pay for a certain item and they were both like, "oh, 50 cents...a dollar." They were serious. They almost got slapped. My stuff doesn't come off a conveyor belt from China!!! For crying out loud, my once lovely long fingernails have almost all been shaved off by the belt sander. Oh pity.

I'm having FuN regardless. Kind of. I'm really tired and my back hurts. And I'm not only neglecting my blog but I feel like I haven't seen my family for a while. I don't think Andrew could care less. As long as I'm there for him when he gets hungry (which isn't very often), that's all he cares about. Other than that, he'd much rather be off riding his bike around the block with his buddy (speaking of which, Andrew recently got a bike with pegs, and watching him and his friend give each other rides on the pegs reminds me soooo much of Napoleon Dynamite - ie: "you've got shocks, pegs...lucky." It's very funny).

Where was I?

Oh yeah, neglecting my family. Beings that it's after one in the morning and I chose to catch up on my blog rather than go to bed with my neglected hubby - does that make me terrible? Probably. The poor guy. It's time to sign off and go snuggle.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Random Andy

Andrew informed us the other day that there are more children on the earth than people.

Don't think too hard about that one.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ski Day

We just got back from most likely our last ski trip of the season. So sad. It was fabulous fun. We spent the night with my sister and headed out early the next morning with a couple of Andrews cousins, Maddy and Kelsey, and went to Blacktail. The snow was beautiful and the weather was perfect. Andrew had a great ski day. We never know what kind of attitude he's going to be in when we get on the ski hill. He usually picks one run that he likes the best and that's the only one he wants to ski on all day long and he won't have it any other way. Stubborn little bugger. Uggg. Yesterday he was all over the mountain. He had a blast! It's a great mountain for him. (I think it had something to do with the two gorgeous blonds we brought with us). Tim had his GPS with him and stuck it in Andy's pocket. Andy would zip down a run and then stop and want to check the GPS for his speed. His top speed was 24.5 mph. Not too bad for a little guy.

There's something about Blacktail that just gives us bad luck though. We always have car problems after skiing there. I won't get into details on that because it's boring. Let's just say it's kind of scary to come down a hill with no brakes.

Anyway, I have no skiing pictures. (Kelsey, email me some pictures quick okay!) I dropped my camera on the basement floor at my sisters house. It's an unfinished basement, therefore concrete. The camera hasn't worked since. I couldn't be happier. It was a piece of crap. Now I have a perfect excuse to start looking around for a lovely new camera. The only problem is, I just recently bought that silly vinyl cutter (which I love and caress often) so there's no way Tim is going to be in the mood to spend moolah on a camera right now. Oh yeah, and then there's that brake issue with the van. I might not have pictures on my blog for a very long time.