Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Craft crap

This is my first vinyl project with my new cutter. I finally got some rolls of vinyl in the mail yesterday and whipped these blocks out. I'm not a big pastel person but it's been so dreary and cold here I wanted some cheery color. I thought the yellow was a bright enough shade for the white letters but the P and N are a little washed out. Oh well. I'm having A LoT of FuN figuring out what this little machine can do.


Jandi said...

Super cute! Keep those pictures coming...

mtduckgirl said...

I second that!! Way cute. So when I'm home in April could you help me with something I want to do? I want to make a saying for over my door in my room. I can pay... oh yes, my dear I can pay... okay, so not that much but I can bake and cook really really well!! I can baby site too.... I can also beg, really well... please, please, please.....

Liv said...

Anything you want duckgirl. Just let me know when you get into town.

mtduckgirl said...

Thanks Liver-2000 I will let you know when I arrive.