Thursday, January 22, 2009

Man Stench

What is it about men and boys that makes them smell bad...particularly when they sleep? Years ago when I was still working, I had this conversation with a coworker, so I know it's not just Tim and Andy. (Andrew used to smell absolutely yummy as a baby but he is eight now ya know). We discussed how our husbands leave greasy marks on their pillows and how they just kind of smell weird when they sleep. My head gets greasy if I don't shower for a week but even then I don't know if it would be enough to smudge my pillow case. Hmmm...I really have no idea where I am going with this post. All I know is, last night I needed to get some laundry and dishes done so I let Andrew snuggle up with his daddy in our bed. They drifted off into dreamland as I finished up the housework. When I got done I headed down the hallway to my room where the two male specimen were fast asleep. The closer I got, the more it started to smell like a fish tank. I was confused. I don't have a fish tank in my room. I don't have a fish tank anywhere in my house. Could it be the cats? No, they smelled surprisingly non-smelly. It was definitely those two sleeping things in my bed. I don't know what happens when they go to sleep but apparently when you combine them it can make an entire room smell like a fish tank.

I'm not really sure what my point is except that maybe I'm really glad I'm not a smelly man. Yeah, maybe that's my point. I love men dearly but I'm sure glad I'm not one of them. I'm pretty sure when I sleep I smell like vanilla, or buttercream or maybe even pumpkin spice (shut up Nik, I'm sure your out there somewhere laughing sarcastically). I sure hope there are other smelly husbands and little boys out there making all you women a little more glad to be a woman.

Or it's just our family, and I've just completely embarrassed my two boys.


Suzy said...

weird blog, liv. i know your boys bath and shower pretty much every day. i remember crawling into bed with my folks one night because there was a lightening storm going on. i think i might even have been married at the time- maybe not, but i was not a little kid. i was older. anyway, i crawled right in between mom and dad and dad had that "man" smell. your dad isn't too bad. he can smell bad in or out of bed. but he showers everyday so usually smells pretty good. he doesn't sweat that much in bed. that's what it is. for some reason your boys probably sweat when they sleep. maybe it's a yule thing. i know your dad's head doesn't make his pillow greasy. well, dad and i both had a hard time getting to sleep last night and slept right through church today. we're on the early schedule- 8:00am. it's harsh. i made it last week but this morning i couldn't have gotten even to rs. well, later.

Liv said...

Yeah I know it's a weird post. They really don't smell all the time. Andrew is a heater when he sleeps, so yeah he sweats. It was just the combo of two different man smells that overpowered my room! But then they wake up and smell totally normal. Weird.

Stockettclan said...

Lever, I was laughing so hard!! I almost peed my pants. It's not a Yule thing. It so happens that I have to change Sammy's case all the time because of the grease stain and smell. It's just his head that smells. He has incredibly thick rhino skin with plenty of oils. He could wax a car with all the grease that comes off his head. But, then there's me, with paper thin slightly dry skin. I'm going to look like a weathered peach by the time I'm 50! So, there you go.

Liv said...

Yesterday Tim's head smelled like vomit and sometimes it smells like cheese. I just don't get it.