Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Entrepreneur

Andrew came home from school last Monday asking for a box about "this big" - motioning with his hands. I said we probably didn't have anything but to check in the garage. So we went to the garage and he points at the cooler and says, "that will work". I had no idea what he was up to. He then disappeared into the office for awhile. He came out with six "deasine books" that he had made and was determined to sell them to anyone walking by. They were just a stack of white computer papers stapled together with a cover page he'd drawn.

He got his little fold up chair from his closet and headed toward the front door. My mom was still here with us and offered to buy one. Andrew was going to charge her an inflated price of $5 and then offered one to her for free because she is after all grandma. Then he headed out the front door with his chair and cooler and set up shop next to the sidewalk.

Mom and Tim and I sat inside watching him, feeling sorry for the poor little bugger. Not only is it the dead of winter and the chances of anyone just walking by are pretty slim but most people aren't in the market for a "deasine book".

So we just might have had something to do with this...

...a good sport of a neighbor who just happened to be walking by at the perfect time and just happened to have a 5 dollar bill to snatch of the remaining 5 deasine books. lucky is that?

After selling all of his books to one customer he immediately said, "I should have made ten!" So now every stinking day after school he has come home and set up shop on the sidewalk. I can't bribe all my neighbors so I just decided to let him get a taste of what selling is all about and just let him do his thing without parental interference.

Day 4...

To my extremely nice lady who was out walking, saw the blue cooler and turned around to see if this little boy was selling lemonade. When she saw what he was actually selling she immediately pulled out a dollar bill and said "he should be rewarded for his ingenuity." What an angel!

I guess he's on to something.


mtduckgirl said...

That is awesome! OH, and I love the photo of your two men conked out on the couch. I can't believe they actually fell asleep in those positions.

Liv said...

They're men. They'll fall asleep in any position if it means getting out of doing the dishes. No, they played really hard and crashed!

kbeags said...

that is the funniest thing in the entire world!! of course it is andy.... he can make anyone laugh!!! the thing i like about it is that he is in the exact same spot each day. this is cool. he is growing up to be just like Tim. a good salesman!!!