Saturday, January 3, 2009

8 Years Old!

Andrew turned eight on January 3rd. Holy cow, I never thought I would be the mother of an eight year old. He is growing up WaY too fast.

He had a really simple party this year. I have no complaints! Last year 13 kids showed up and it was a zoo. This year Andrew just wanted a couple of friends and I didn't try to convince him otherwise. I helped the boys make their own homemade pizzas, then we had cake and ice cream, opened presents, played and that was it. Nice and simple just a way a birthday party should be if you ask me.

One of Andrews' friends wasn't sure if he wanted to try to make pizza. He told me it was too hard. So I asked, "If I make it for you will you eat it?"

He replied, "Oh yeah, I'll eat anything except for poop."

Yeah, because that just might be on the menu.

Boys...good grief.

1 comment:

Stockettclan said...

I agree, boy's are just a different breed of animal!!!! Thanks for sharing that story. By the way, I love Andy's ZEN moment on the table!!