Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The H2O Mop

This happened a while back but it just came up in conversation the other day and I realized I had almost forgotten the story. I'm posting it now just for my own sake to get it recorded. Anywho...

One Sunday morning while getting ready for church, Andrew plunked down in front of the boob tube and found a fishing show to watch. Ten minutes or so go by and I hear, 'Mom, come here, you have to see this'!! I ignored him for a while but he was really excited. I mean really excited! 'Mom, check this out, you have to see this. This is so cool!' He wouldn't shut up. I thought someone caught a big fish or something. So, finally I go over to the t.v. but Andy isn't watching the fishing show. He's been sucked into an infomercial. They were selling The H2O Mop.

'Mom, you need that'! (I'm so glad my kid is looking out for me and all my cleaning needs). He sat on the edge of the coffee table completely engrossed in the silly infomercial - dazzled by all the things the H2O Mop can do. Then they proceed to tell all the things you'll get with your H2O Mop order ... and then a bombshell - 'valued at over $200 dollars' they say (of course it's really just 3 payments of $33). The sparkle in Andy's eyes completely dissipated and he let out a little sigh - knowing that the H2O Mop was completely out of reach at that kind of price. I just kind of chuckled and went back to my bedroom and I think he watched every last minute of that stupid infomercial.

A couple days later Andy had his best friend Ben over at the house to play. They were sitting on the couch just talking and then I hear this,

Ben: 'Hey Andy, have you ever seen Indiana Jones?'

Andy: 'No, but have you ever seen the H20 Mop?!!'

It was a complete conversation stopper.

And maybe it's just because he's still young but Andrew obviously has not mastered the ability to know what is cool to say around ones friends and what you should just keep to yourself. I love it!

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