Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Christmas Miracle

A couple of weeks ago, my reindeer van shed one of its antlers. I was sad.

Tim didn't care - he thinks they're stupid.

Then I realized I had made a bank deposit earlier that day and it most likely popped off when I had rolled down my window at the bank drive-in. Maybe it would still be there?? So I went back to the bank at about 10pm that night, looked around, but alas, no antler. I was sad again.

I've been driving around town for the last two weeks debating about whether or not to just take the nose and lone remaining antler off, because it just isn't right without the other one.

Yesterday, I needed to make another bank deposit. I rolled up to the drive-up sucky machine and, after waiting a minute or two, the teller came on the little tv screen.

She said, "Hello".

Then she smiled really big and said, "Are you missing an antler?"

I said, "Yes".

She said, "We found one in the parking lot a while ago...I'll bring it down to you."

Seriously? Who finds a stuffed antler in their parking lot and keeps it for two weeks in the hopes that they might find the single-antlered vehicle roaming around?

It made my day.


Suzy said...

My heck Liva!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You crack me up!

Suzy said...

The pictures to it!

Suzy said...

do you ever pay attention to the group of letters you sometimes have to put in the box when making some comments? they can be hillarious too.

Suzy said...

the pictures DO it- not to it.

Suzy said...

saw one of these guys in sierra vista the last week.

Suzy said...

bad grammer. anyway it was about a week ago.

Stockettclan said...

Mom and her verbal diarreah!

Liv said...

Ummmm...yes, Nik, I guess that's one way to describe it.