Monday, December 13, 2010

Halloween 2010

Andrew absolutely loves Halloween. It comes a very close second only to Christmas in his list of favorite days of the year. This year he found a great perfect for his personality.

It dawned on me one morning before school that his costume might not be entirely appropriate for the school Halloween party the following day. You never know who you're going to offend these days. So, as I was scooting him out the door for school, I told him to explain it to his teacher and make sure it would be alright to wear.

When he got home later that day, he was really excited because apparently she said;

"Yeah, I don't see a problem with it...let's just hope you don't make any noise when you sit down."

What a great answer.

So, the next day...

We tried stuffing it with balloons for the church party. It was a little awkward.

Unfortunately, Andrew got sick the night before Halloween. He did the rain bird sprinkler style vomit all over the bathroom in the middle of the night - partly my fault, trying to make him turn around off the toilet. Anyway, he tried trick or treating with his best friend Ben but only lasted about 5 minutes and came back home. (I have NO idea what Ben's costume is supposed to mean by the way).

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