Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Oh Charlie Brown Tree

We just got our tree up a couple of days ago. Kind of late I know. The cats have been having fun with it as usual. Once a year they get to pretend that they are wild animals. The smell of a real, live tree makes them freakin' crazy! (they are used to staying inside 24-7 because we have crazy cat killer neighbors). Last year Squirt almost tore the tree down and broke I don't know how many glass ball ornaments. And I don't know why the water in the tree stand tastes better than the water bowl I put out for them but that's where they go for their drinks now.

We would really love to go into the woods and chop our tree down but that has only happened a few times in our married life just simply due to lack of time and lack of sunlight in the afternoon. So it's off to Pink Grizzly to buy...ugg...buy our tree nowadays. We consider purchasing a tree sacreligious but what can you do in busy times like these? And if I'm going to buy a tree from anybody it's going to be from Pink Grizzly because those Clouse boys are smokin hot. Even Tim thinks so.

We are "subby" folk around here (sub-alpine), yes Charlie Brown tree people. It's a good thing because our home could not handle anything chubbier. And Tim and I both love that our ornaments can actually dangle like they are designed to do.

Luckily we found our tree within just a couple of minutes because it was about 1 degree outside - I'm not exaggerating. We got to our nice warm home, put on some Jewel Christmas music, put some water on the stove and got to work. Andrew insisted on putting the star on first, kind of taboo, I know.

Don't you love the matchy matchy fuzzy guitar pants I made last year?
All done! Time for cocoa!

1 comment:

mtduckgirl said...

My family is a "subby" family too!! I like Charlie Brown trees. Liv, you have a stinkin' cute family. Thanks for blogging!