Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Day

I have had a big time pumpkin addiction this year. Big time. I looove them. I can't get enough of them! This was a happy day for me. I happened to be at Michaels looking for frames and just look WHAT I SCORED.

I really don't need any more pumpkins. But Thanksgiving is on it's way so a little more pumpkin decor can't hurt...except that I have absolutely no place to put them. But that's not the point by golly. Can you guess what I paid for all these lovely pumpkins? A whopping $1.78 total! I never, ever luck out on finding deals like this - ever. I came home so excited...I spread them out on the counter to show Tim and made him guess what I paid and he was like, "oh yippee" in the most unamused, bored man voice.

To top it off, I filled up my gas tank today...18.85 gallons for $36.56. WOW! At the peak of summer I had a fill up that cost me $80.49.

A happy day indeed.

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