Thursday, June 4, 2009

Brownie Points

We were playing Uno the other night when out of nowhere Andrew says, "I'm not sure if I want to get married when I grow up."

Tim said: "You have a long time before you have to worry about that."

Me: "Yeah, your daddy didn't really want to get married either."

Andrew: "But then he found a perfect woman."

...good boy ;)


mtduckgirl said...

Liver, you are teaching him well!!

Liv said...

That's what I thought until a couple of days later when he told me I needed to go on a diet.

kbeags said...


Suzy said...

ok liv. i know exactly how this went down because i know you and i know poor timmy. you were complaining about your weight and probably had been for a while. he got tired of hearing it because it doesn't matter to him. (you're sexy and he loves you just the way you are- as long as you don't get huge)Anyway, so he finally says something like- "well then, if you don't like how you look, why don't you go on a diet?!" poor guy. he can't win, because if he ignores you, you think he doesn't care or he agrees with you, right?

Liv said...

Ummm, thanks for writing all that down mom. Actually, it was Andrw that said I needed to go on a diet, a couple of days after telling Tim that he found the perfect woman.

Suzy said...

oh crap- i'm so brain dead. i can't imagine tim telling you to go on a diet, unless it happened like i said. i don't know how i got that mixed up because reading it again, it's plain that it's andy you're talking about. so did andy just tell you that out of the blue or were you complaining about your weight?

Liv said...

...out of the blue