Monday, October 12, 2009

Strange things

Yesterday, my sister became a grandma. Which makes my mother a great-grandma and me a great-aunt. I mean, I've always been a great aunt...fabulous, in fact...but now I'm officially great. Anyway, where has the time gone? When did we all get old? And seriously, do I have to relive the '80's again. I saw stirrup pants at the store the other day...for cyring out loud, STIRRUP PANTS!

PS. Congrats Chris & Michelle! It's freakin' me out, but congrats.


Stockettclan said...

Yup, we are now officially old! What's really strange is that it won't be much longer before we're all swapping stories about our grandkids and fighting over who's turn it is to change mom and dad's diapers. Crazy!

Stockettclan said...

Oh, and don't even get me started on the 80's comeback. I just threw up in my mouth.

Suzy said...

No one is changing my diapers!!!!!!!!!!

Liv said...

See that Nik? We don't have to change mom's diapers and we have it in writing.