Sunday, July 19, 2009

A HaPpy 4th


We spent the 4th up at the lake...of course. Tim, Sam, Maddy and Andrew showed up after their hiking trip in time for some grub and then fireworks.


Fortunately there were no fire incidents this year...ahem, cough, Aaron...

And of course lots and lots of time on the water...including my annual 'GTR' {Giggly Tube Ride} with Aaron. I apologize for all the pics but I just LuV this family!

Kelsey, Maddy, Suzy
can't kick off the weekend without a little crack
Bailey, Lexie, Andrew
good thing we rescued this jogoline from the dump
Beautiful Maddy & Kels
Even dad got in the water, wearing a swimming suit and everything!
Aaron and Nikole

Plenty of Fun Pops

Aaron and his girl, Crista
and a silly grandma and a jogoline

Enough with the freakin' pictures already!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pre-4th Chillaxin'

Andrew and I headed up to the lake the weekend before the 4th.

Going down to the fire pit to make some yummy smores
Lexie was shaking and shoving this thing in with both hands.
ummm...gross, Maddy

Then Andrew and I headed back home on Tuesday to catch up with Timmy.

Tim and I played some paintball with some friends and family Wednesday night and got plenty bruised up.

Then Tim and Andrew had a backpack trip planned with Sam and Maddy and met up with them in the mountains on Friday.

Much to my delight, no one got eaten by a bear. Then, Saturday afternoon, all four of them rode over to meet the rest of us at the lake just in time for some dinner and fireworks.

To be continue...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Slowly but surely...

I desperately need to get back to blogging. We had a fabulous time up at the lake for the 4th and now I'm sawing, painting and sanding like crazy for the Saturday Market coming up, well...this Saturday. So I guess when I have more than a few seconds I'll get back on here and post some pictures of what's been going on around here lately. In the meantime enjoy my new favorite joke courtesy of my witty brother, Aaron...

What's red and smells like blue paint?

Red paint