Oddly enough, this is the only position Squirt will allow you to hold him in. If you try to hold him any other way, he'll bunny-kick you to death.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Squirt the Cat
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Last Day
Today was Andrew's last day of school. FINALLY! This year drug on forever! I'm sure in a few days I'm going to be wishing he was back in school though. Anyway, last week his school did their annual Governors Cup race - 3 miles. Andy came in 11th place which is pretty amazing considering how many kids ran.
Then on Monday, his class did a play for the parents. Andrew was Boris the Bush Pig. You have absolutely no idea how excited he was to get the part of Boris.
Just try saying 'Boris the Bush Pig' without smiling. I bet you can't do it.
Bye-bye 2nd grade!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Holy cow! I just noticed my childhood home is on the market. My parents sold the house about 7 years ago and I swear it was the worst day of my life! It's funny how we get attached to houses. It took me awhile to realize it's not the house itself that I missed, it's everything that happened inside. And I can take all those great memories with me anywhere I go. Still, I've had recurring dreams about going back and sneaking into my old house and just looking around. Now that it's back on the market, I can take a peak back inside. It was weird enough emptying the place out when my parents sold it but it's even weirder to see other peoples stuff in there.
Some things the next buyer does not know:
- The house is totally haunted (I SWEAR!)
- Buried outside the kitchen window are: a bunny rabbit, my dog 'Midget', and I don't even know how many cats.

- Somewhere in the walls of that house there is a dead boa constrictor, several pet mice, and maybe a lizard or two.

- The house was painted with cheap child labor (only after said children scraped off the old LEAD paint with blow torches and scrapers. I think I was six when I was handed my first blow torch. Aaahh, those were the days).

- The kitchen sink has seen it's fair share of naked butts (okay, this particular sink was long ago replaced but I couldn't resist this AdORAbLe picture of my bro).

I really don't miss the old house anymore. I had a fabulous childhood and have a ton of memories from inside those walls. But I've realized, especially since I've been married, that your home isn't the house itself, it's wherever your family is. Cliche, I know, but so true.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Brownie Points
We were playing Uno the other night when out of nowhere Andrew says, "I'm not sure if I want to get married when I grow up."
Tim said: "You have a long time before you have to worry about that."
Me: "Yeah, your daddy didn't really want to get married either."
Andrew: "But then he found a perfect woman."
...good boy ;)
Monday, June 1, 2009
If you're in the mood to try something stupid, try this...it's pretty amusing. For a specified amount of time, say like for a whole day, you have to communicate by singing like they do in operas. No regular talking whatsoever.
We only lasted about 20 minutes.
(Aaron, I know you're up for this one)