This morning at breakfast Andrew said, "Hey dad, an upside down heart is a butt."
Tim: " kind of is, isn't it?"
Andrew: "You should tell that to people at work today so they'll laugh and you can sell more cars."
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
How to be a Salesman in Andrews World
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wonder Woman
When I was a little girl I desperately wanted to be Wonder Woman.Well, I also wanted to be Princess Leia or R2-D2...I did have the R2-D2 underoos which made me feel totally awesome but maybe we can discuss that later.
Wonder Woman was great. I used to take construction paper and make myself wrist bands and that little headband crown-looking thingy. I wanted more than anything to be Wonder Woman. Yesterday, I got my wish.
Andrew loves eggnog (he hates most food, so it's a big deal when he says he loves anything). So yesterday, after I dropped him off at school, I thought I'd try my hand at homemade eggnog. Mmmm, no, I didn't put cognac or rum in it or anything.
By the time Andrew got home from school, the eggnog had chilled long enough and was ready for the ultimate taste test from the ultimate picky critic. When I told Andy that I had made him some eggnog, he put his hands up in the air and starting bowing...up down up down...chanting "eggnog, eggnog, eggnog". I was like, whoa that's weird. I poured him some and he tasted it and then said something about it giving him "the jollies" (seriuosly, no rum). I missed the bulk of that sentence but to be sure, he was acting very strange. Then he went and plunked down at the kitchen table and said..."Wow, mom. I just don't get it. You can make homemade bread...and pizza...and now eggnog".
I said, "That's because I'm Wonder Woman."
He just looked at me and smiled. I think I've got him convinced.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I was just going through Andrew's backpack...reading through some of his finished assignments and found this...

I had a good chuckle.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Happy Day
I have had a big time pumpkin addiction this year. Big time. I looove them. I can't get enough of them! This was a happy day for me. I happened to be at Michaels looking for frames and just look WHAT I SCORED.
I really don't need any more pumpkins. But Thanksgiving is on it's way so a little more pumpkin decor can't hurt...except that I have absolutely no place to put them. But that's not the point by golly. Can you guess what I paid for all these lovely pumpkins? A whopping $1.78 total! I never, ever luck out on finding deals like this - ever. I came home so excited...I spread them out on the counter to show Tim and made him guess what I paid and he was like, "oh yippee" in the most unamused, bored man voice.
To top it off, I filled up my gas tank today...18.85 gallons for $36.56. WOW! At the peak of summer I had a fill up that cost me $80.49.
A happy day indeed.
Monday, November 10, 2008
It's a Guy Thing
Tim managed to score a Barbie doll for his birthday a couple weeks ago - FINALLY! Not that he really wanted one.
This goes way back. Since the dawn of time, Andrew and his daddy have teased each other about being in love with Barbie. For example, Tim will say something like..."Hey, Andy. Barbie called today and wants to know when you're going to pick her up for the movie." Fumes will inevitably steam out of Andy's head and he'll say something back like this, "Oh yeah, well Barbie told me that you took her to the movies last night and that you got married." Stuff like that. Back and forth, back and forth.
Andrew used to be highly, and I mean HIGHLY, offended by the Barbie teasing. He loved to dish it out but he couldn't take it. Finding fun with the Barbie jokes has been a gradual progression.
For the past couple of years I've asked Andy if he would like to buy his daddy a Barbie for his birthday or Christmas to get him back for all the teasing. He would get excited at the idea but then CHICKEN out at the last minute. He just could not bear the thought of walking down the Barbie aisle at Walmart or the thought of actually having a Barbie in his house. Until now.
Barbie has been found in Tim's sock drawer with some type of love note - twice.
Then, much to Andrew's dismay, she appeared one morning on his pillow as he woke up for school. (There she met Napoleon Dynamite and they are now friends).
She's just getting started. I'm sure there will be many more Barbie adventures to come.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Smart Boy
The other day Andrew and I were eating some yummy sandwiches in Subway before heading out for some shopping when he just randomly says, "Hey mom, when I grow up and get a wife, I'm going to make her go to work and I'll stay home and do the shopping."
Me: "But I thought you hated shopping."
Andrew: "I do...but I really don't want a job!"
Monday, November 3, 2008
After trick or treating, the boys had a sleepover at our house. They watched The Nightmare Before Christmas and then talked and giggled from their sugar high and then the next thing I know they were OUT cold. Ben had to go home early the next morning to go to a Grizzly Football game with his dad (they kicked some Northern Arizona butt). Andrew walked him home and then came back looking rather glum. He told me he might need to see a nurse.
Me: "Why do you think you need to see a nurse?"
Andrew: "I just feel kind of weird."
Me: "Are you sad because Ben had to go home?"
Andrew: " felt like a brother that had to go away."
I'm sure most of you know by now that we can't have any more kidlets so any time Andrew says anything about having a brother or sister it just breaks my heart!!! But I'm so glad he has such a fantastic friend in Ben. They are two peas in a pod and if his family ever moves we'll probably have to follow them!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Wow, I just have not been in a posting mood lately. Anywho, I should probably get some Halloween pictures up.
After school on Friday, Andrew had his best friend over to carve a pumpkin. He didn't want to touch any of the guts so Ben and I did all the cleaning.
Then they got dressed. Ben was Elmo and Andrew was supposed to be a bloody ghost but ended up looking like a vampire. They are such dorks. I think next year we'll stick with Ben's Sesame Street theme and they can go as Bert & Ernie.